शनिवार, 8 दिसंबर 2012

Kundalini energy

Kundalini energy is the energy in you that sits at the base of your spine, in the root chakra. It awakens when you start meditating, visualizing, practice yoga, Reiki or doing other spiritual activities.
It is important to understand this kind of energy for everyone who meditates, Reiki or other spiritual practices. You may start experiencing something unusual energetically; and may not know what to call your experience. Kundalini is an energy that exists in everyone’s body, usually in a dormant state. This means that most people never feel it and never know it is there. But in a very few people, perhaps one in one thousand, this energy becomes aroused, activated. This can be a happy event or it can be scary and disruptive, depending on whether you aroused your Kundalini on purpose or by accident.

Kundalini energy awakening is a natural process that helps you become more conscious. When activated, it starts going up your chakras till it reaches the crown chakra and you may become enlightened (that happens over time, of course).When Kundalini energy rises through each Chakra, it cleanses the stagnant energy in that center and this allows much more life force energy to flow through the human chakra system. According to Anna Voigt in The Chakra Workbook, “although the term Kundalini… comes from the Tantra Yoga traditions, a phenomenon akin to the Kundalini experience is recognized in all of the shamanic traditions and mystical paths, in nearly all of the worlds’ major religions, and in genuine occult traditions. All of these traditions recognize the significance of Kundalini as a key to “divinizing” or “spiritualizing” a human being. From the perspective of an individual spiritual seeker, it is a path to enlightenment, liberation, or Self-realization.” When Kundalini rises through the Chakra system is facilitates a process of cleansing and awakening to higher consciousness in that center.


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