शनिवार, 18 अक्टूबर 2014

What is Psychic Healing?

Psychic Healing is the best and highest form of Healing known to man. But even Psychic Healing will not, and cannot, effect a permanent cure, unless the patient will change his/her habits of living, and will endeavor to live in accordance with Nature’s laws. SO before start giving healing treatments it is necessary to advice and instruct patient regarding the natural laws of the body, so that when the patient is healed he will live in such a manner as to promote health, and to hold the ground he has gained, and not slip back again. 
All true healing results from an application of perfectly natural laws, and the power employed is as much a natural law as is electricity. All Energy and Force is a manifestation of Prana and the Oriental teachings are that Prana has Mind behind it—that it emerged from the Mind Principle of the Universe.

What are Natural Laws?
Natural laws means Right Living and Right Thinking. Without an understanding of these fundamental laws any and all forms of healing are but temporary makeshifts and the patient, if he pursues the former improper modes of Living and Thinking, will relapse into his old condition when the treatments are discontinued. There can be no successful defiance of Natural Laws. There can be no Health without proper nutrition. And there can be no proper nutrition without proper assimilation. This being granted, it may be seen that one of the first things for a healer to do is to re-establish normal conditions in this respect, and build up proper assimilation. 

See the symptoms first
Symptoms are but various indications of a cause behind them, and we believe that there is only one general cause for disease and that is improper functioning of the cells. In other words, we believe that all disease is but Cell-disease. 

How to heal?
Begin all treatments—for all kinds of complaints—with a treatment of the stomach, to restore normal conditions there. The stomach should be treated first, last and always, for there lies the secret of the first step toward recovery. In fact, the majority of diseases may be traced directly to the stomach, and to imperfect nutrition and assimilation. Imperfect nutrition causes the blood to become poor and weak, and consequently every cell in the body becomes weakened and starved, and even the brain cells suffer with the rest, and are unable to send the proper currents of vital force and energy to the other parts of the body.

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