Most of us do not take proper care of their body. Proper care means correct breathing, eating, drinking and bathing.
There can be no Health without proper nutrition. A man can no more thrive on non‑nutritious food, or food imperfectly assimilated, than can a tree or plant or animal. Imperfect nutrition causes the blood to become poor and weak, and consequently every cell in the body becomes weakened and starved, and even the brain cells suffer with the rest, and are unable to send the proper currents of vital force and energy to the other parts of the body. Take care of the food given to body because it assimilates the food and converts it into good rich nourishing blood, which will flow to all parts of the body, giving health and strength. One of the best ways to get the full nourishment of the food partaken of is by perfect Mastication. Food perfectly masticated gives the full amount of nourishment contained within it, which food, half‑chewed and “bolted,” wastes the greater part of its nourishment. Ill-nourished people restored to health in a very short time, merely from the change in the manner of masticating the food. All food should be chewed until it becomes soft, pulpy and pasty.
The Irrigation of the body mean the proper use of Water. The physical system requires a certain amount of fluids daily, in order to do its work properly. About two quarts of fluid in twenty‑four hours is the normal amount for an adult. Without the proper amount of water the body is unable to do its work properly and the system suffers. Perfect secretion and excretion requires the normal amount of fluids. Otherwise the secreting glands are unable to manufacture the juices and fluids needed in digestion, absorption and assimilation, and the excreting glands are unable to provide for the excretion or throwing out of the waste products of the system through the kidneys and bowels. The liver is unable to act without sufficient fluids, and the other organs likewise suffer.
The third requisite for health is correct breathing. Practice of deep breathing is necessary. Unless correct breathing is performed the blood is imperfectly oxygenated, and is therefore unable to perform its functions, you will begin to see why a person breathing improperly is unable to have health. Pranic Breathing plays a very important part in Pranic Healing. It is the means or method whereby the supply of Prana is increased, and whereby it may be distributed to the affected parts. Pranic breathing is based upon the unceasing vibration which is always in evidence throughout all nature. Everything is in constant vibration.
Bathing is also important. Due to closed capillus hole toxic element did not come out of body.
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